Saturday, January 19, 2013

Depression/Depressed Pose Pack

Here is my 3rd pose pack.

It is pose list compatible.

Do not upload it anywhere else, claim it as your own, so on and so on.

Enjoy it cause it might be a while before I can make anymore cause I'm still having problems with my game.

Standing Pretty Pose Pack

Here is my 2nd pose pack. 

Yes they are pose list compatible.

Do not claim as your own, upload somewhere else, so and so on.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Game Trouble

I have eight poses made. My game has been acting up so I had to un-install and re-install. Needless to say it'll probably be a couple of days before I can release the pose packs. I will get them out as soon as possible. I might even make a couple of sims for you guys too.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Intimate Pose Pack

It took me a while but I finally made a pose pack and yes they are pose list compatible.

Do not upload somewhere else, claim as your own, so on and so on.

I hope you guys enjoy them.

Download link-

Chet Kimble

Chet Kimble
Do not claim him as your own, upload him somewhere else, or all that bull.
Link for sims3pack (with cc)-
Link for sim-file (without cc)-